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What should be noted when storing galvanized steel wire

Release Date:2020-12-24 14:51:43 Author:Wire drawing machine manufacturer Views:

Galvanized steel wire is a type of metal wire that has undergone galvanizing treatment, and the demand is generally high. Therefore, many times a large amount of it is purchased, and if it is not used up, it will be temporarily stored. Today, galvanized steel wire manufacturers will talk about the storage of galvanized steel wire.
1. Galvanized steel wire is a layer of galvanizing applied to the surface of ordinary steel wire to protect it from corrosion. This type of steel wire is often used as a fixed rope in construction, and if used as a fixing material, it is not easy to break and is safer to use. Although galvanized steel wire can effectively prevent corrosion during use, attention should also be paid to the environment during storage, and the storage space should avoid corrosive substances as much as possible.
2. When storing galvanized steel wire, try not to place it outdoors. If it is left exposed to the sun for a long time, it is easy to damage the galvanized layer on the surface of the steel wire. If the galvanized layer on the surface is damaged, it will affect the internal structure of the steel wire.
3. When storing galvanized steel wire, we should store it in a cool place away from direct sunlight, and try to keep it dry and away from flammable and explosive materials to prevent explosion accidents. In addition, we need to pay attention to dust protection for the steel wire, and it is best to use packaging materials to isolate it.
Therefore, when storing, it is also important to pay attention. That's all for today's content. If you are interested, you can follow the galvanized steel wire manufacturer and check the latest information at any time.
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