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Wire drawing machine manufacturer



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What is the reason for wire breakage in the drawing machine?

Release Date:2023-09-01 15:54:33 Author:Wire drawing machine manufacturer Views:

What is the reason for wire breakage when using a wire drawing machine? Today, the wire drawing machine manufacturer will briefly discuss this issue with everyone.
When the wire drawing machine experiences wire breakage, we need to calm down and analyze the cause of the wire breakage before taking action; The common cause of wire breakage in a wire drawing machine is a problem with the drawing die, which cannot be detected in a timely manner. Continuing to operate the wire drawing machine can lead to wire breakage. Another issue is the ratio of the mold. If the ratio is incorrect, it can also cause wire breakage. Let's talk about it below.
1、 Problem with the drawing die: When the drawing machine experiences wire breakage, we need to calm down and analyze the cause of the wire breakage before taking action; The common cause of wire breakage in a wire drawing machine is a problem with the drawing die, which cannot be detected in a timely manner. Continuing to operate the wire drawing machine can lead to wire breakage;
2、 Quality issues with processed materials: Different materials have different textures, and defects in the materials can lead to wire drawing deformation, inability to withstand tension, and resulting in wire breakage;
3、 Current problem: This is also a relatively common problem, when the current suddenly increases, causing the metal wire to be pulled apart during annealing or burned off by sudden strong currents;
When selecting materials, we need to check whether the quality is qualified, and during operation, we need to observe to ensure that the annealing current remains stable during the drawing process. At the same time, we adjust the annealing current according to the change in wire speed to ensure that the annealing current slowly and steadily increases with the increase of wire speed;
The above is today's content. If you are interested, come and follow the wire drawing machine manufacturer!
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