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Is galvanized steel wire permanently rust free

Release Date:2020-12-31 10:26:41 Author:Wire drawing machine manufacturer Views:

I believe everyone will remember galvanized steel wire. We have introduced it to you before, so how long can galvanized steel wire be guaranteed not to rust? In fact, this time is not fixed. Below, the galvanized steel wire manufacturer and everyone will briefly analyze the problem of galvanized steel wire rust. If you are interested, you can continue to read.
When you hear that galvanized steel wire is permanently rust free, you need to think about it. There is no steel wire product that is absolutely rust free, but some products are used for a longer period of time while others are used for a shorter period of time. It is impossible to say that it will never rust permanently. Galvanized steel wire is generally divided into electroplated galvanized steel wire and hot-dip galvanized steel wire. The only difference between the two is the difference in material. The quality of electroplated zinc is relatively poor, and it is easy to rust in the presence of rain or moisture. On the other hand, hot-dip galvanized material is more corrosion-resistant, mainly because its zinc coating content is thicker and more abundant, and its rust and corrosion prevention time is longer.
Electroplated greenhouse steel wire generally rusts after being exposed to rainwater for about 2 months, while ordinary hot-dip galvanized greenhouse steel wire usually takes about 4 years; High zinc greenhouse steel wire can be used for about 10 years; Zinc aluminum alloy greenhouse steel wire can be used for about 30 years. This is mainly related to the zinc content of the material, and when purchasing, it is also necessary to consider the environmental and human factors of the place of use.
If there is a need in this regard, you can call the official contact information of the galvanized steel wire manufacturer to order and choose.
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